Root Canal Treatment (also called Endodontics) is unavoidable when the nerve or blood supply of the tooth is infected through decay or injury.The infection can spread through the root canal system of the tooth. This may eventually lead to an abscess. 

Root Canal Treatment requires a skilled dentist and it is also a time-consuming procedure, perhaps needing more than one appointment.

  • The infected pulp is removed at the first appointment.
  • Any possible abscesses are to be drained at this time.
  • The root canal is then cleaned and shaped for the filling.
  • A temporary filling is inserted.
  • The tooth is left to settle.
  • The tooth is checked at a later visit.
  • When all infection has cleared the tooth is permanently filled/or crowned.
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Root Canal Treatment (also called Endodontics) is unavoidable when the nerve or blood supply of the tooth is infected through decay or injury.The infection can spread through the root canal system of the tooth. This may eventually lead to an abscess. 

Root Canal Treatment requires a skilled dentist and it is also a time-consuming procedure, perhaps needing more than one appointment.

  • The infected pulp is removed at the first appointment.
  • Any possible abscesses are to be drained at this time.
  • The root canal is then cleaned and shaped for the filling.
  • A temporary filling is inserted.
  • The tooth is left to settle.
  • The tooth is checked at a later visit.
  • When all infection has cleared the tooth is permanently filled/or crowned.